Mazal tov!

Did you have a son?
Mazal tov!

May it be His will that you should merit to raise him for Torah study, marriage and good deeds, amidst broadness in the material and spiritual realms, optimal health with happiness and true Chassidic nachat.

Don’t forget to register him to Tomchei T’mimim

Registering at the yeshiva starts the future

As you certainly know, Chabad’s custom from yester year is to preface and register the newborn to Tomchei T’mimim Yeshiva immediately after his circumcision, a custom that’d known for its guarantee for Chassidic nachat and for all things that are good.  The Lubavitcher Rebbe writes in the book “Hayom Yom” (the 28th day of Adar 2) what the previous Lubavitcher Rebbe, the Rayatz, said at a circumcision ceremony:  “The custom at a circumcision ceremony by us is to give a down payment for the boy’s tuition”.  Afterwards, the Rayatz gave the amount of 20 zlates and said, “This is for the yeshiva.”

You can also !

We make it possible for you to fulfill the Rebbe’s directive and to register him right away to ensure his registration already and having started the future  registration process to the Tomchei T’mimim Yeshiva, the Rebbe’s yeshiva.

Be sure that the Rebbe’s blessings for Chassidic nachat from your dear son are already yours from now!

An honorable registration certificate will be sent to you by mail with your son’s name and date of birth.

The Rebbe awakens us during his holy talk

“One should make an effort to carry out the custom of giving a down payment for tuition to the yeshiva where he will learn.  In addition, this is a custom the Rebbe put forth and as such one should carry it out.” 

Giving a down payment to the yeshiva during the circumcision ceremony
“While he was at a circumcision ceremony, the Rebbe Rayatz gave 20 zaltes to the yeshiva, saying that he’s giving it as a down payment for the boy to learn in the yeshiva. One should make an effort to carry out the custom of giving a down payment to the yeshiva for the boy to learn. First of all, the yeshiva will gain, but in addition, this is a custom that the Rebbe directed, and as such one should carry it out”. (An excerpt from one of the Rebbe’s talks).

Choose a way of registration of your prince to the yeshiva

One-time payment

One-time payment
  • A respectable registration certificate
  • A secure donation
  • A beautiful registration certificate
  • Payment has no bearing on your credit line


  • A respectable registration certificate
  • A secure donation
  • A beautiful registration certificate
  • Payment has no bearing on your credit line
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