Checking mezuzahs
Jewish activity with high school students in the city
The high school students' visit to Kiryat Gat, in the yeshiva, they learned, prayed and worked together with the yeshiva students.
Hanukkah with the residents of the city
From Gedara to Ayelet, light up hearts, light menorahs and bless donuts. With love to the residents of the city and the entire south!

We are currently in the midst of construction of a new building

We are currently in the midst of construction of a new building for our yeshiva that will serve as a dormitory for about 600 of our dear students from Israel and throughout the world.    

In the beautiful and modern building, the best services and facilities will be at the disposal of the students that will give the required quiet and tranquility in order for them to concentrate on their blessed studies for the sake of the residents of the city and the entire southern region of Israel. 

Are you in need of a blessing? For a cure? Blessing and success?
Sponsor a day at the yeshiva and we pray and learn Torah on your behalf 

For the ascension of the soul of your dear one

We will remember your dear one every day of the year. We will learn Torah and pray for the ascension of the soul of your dear one. We will dedicate the yahrzeit day as a day of Torah study

The recital of the Kaddish for 11 months or part of the time by one of our rabbis, for each of the 3 daily prayers, guaranteed! It makes no difference what the weather is like outside

The students contribute significantly

The students contribute significantly to the residents of the city and to the entire southern region of Israel, including checking mezuzot, yortzeits, house warming parties in the homes of the residents, Shabbat parties for children, Torah lectures in synagogues  as well as additional programs on holidays and throughout the year from Gedera to the southern region of Israel. 

The new building project is in your merit for generations

We are currently in the midst of construction of the new building of our yeshiva that will serve as a dormitory and a dining room for about 600 of our dear students from the Holy Land and from around the world. 

As of today, scores of student sleep in rented apartments and many additional students are asking to join our yeshiva.  They are being turned down due to lack of space.

The building that will be built, with Hashem’s help, will create a very important solution for the above for hundreds of our students who will serve as Rabbis and Chabad emissaries in Israel and around the world!

Updated picture of the construction site

This is how we started the project

הנחת אבן הפינה
טקס הנחת אבן הפינה באתר הבניה
מישרים את השטח
מישרים את השטח לפני התחלת הבניה
לחץ כאן
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Be a partner of the yeshiva

Be partners in this awesome project of Torah study from the morning to the evening as well as the giving and doing for the residents

A vision that materialized

The Rebbe’s future vision of the yeshiva in spite of the difficulties at the onset

The Rabbis and yeshiva alumni tell

The educational impact of the yeshiva accompanies the alumni until today

The yeshiva is around for 60 years

A peek at the yeshiva after 60 years of incessant development

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