Mazal tov!

Are you getting married?
Mazal tov!

“May it be His will that the marriage should work out and that you should merit an everlasting edifice based on the foundations of Torah and Mitzvot and the mitzvot as they are illuminated with the light of the Torah, that is the teachings of Chassidut.”

Don’t forget about those who don’t have!

The poorman’s meal – it’s for you!

The custom of the holy Jewish nation is to prepare a meal for poor people at the wedding reception (Seudas Aniym).
The source of this custom is from the holy Zohar (at the introduction, 10B): 

“At every happy event the prosecuting forces come to disturb at the happy event.  If a person precedes it and invites poor people into his home and feeds him, the very same damaging force leaves and doesn’t come back!”  In the event that poor people can’t come to the wedding, it would be good and correct to donate a festive meal for the poor on the happy day, in a place that would be easily accessible for them.  By doing so, one fulfills the words of the Zohar!

The Rebbe publicizes:

“One should publicize that it would be proper that whoever lately is having a wedding…including and especially to prepare a festive meal for the poor as was the Jewish custom in yester year, that at every wedding there was also a festive meal for the poor; especially there one gives from the best and choicest!
(the 13th day of Elul 5751)

flowers, gypsophila, small flowers

You can also!

flowers, gypsophila, small flowers

We make it possible for you to fulfill the words of the holy Zohar, the Jewish law and the words of the Rebbe in the most beautiful and perfect way!

We provide on a daily basis meals for the elderly and for people of little means through the soup kitchen that is operated by the yeshiva.  This and in addition to about 500 students who learn and have a meal in the yeshiva on a daily basis 3 times a day!

Be sure that we will carry out on your behalf this holy custom in the merit of the groom and the bride in the most  formidable way possible!!

The joy intensifies
Your big day arrives and you remember those who weren’t able to attend. Really there was no reason to invite them to your happy event. After all, you don’t know the needy poor. Yet, during your big happy event when you don’t forget to take care of the family in need and distress, your happy event intensifies and becomes the most perfect time and place!
flowers, gypsophila, small flowers

Choose the festive meal for the poor individual on your wedding day

One-time donation

One-time dedication can be done in payments
$ 14 person
  • Choose a date ahead of time
  • Choose the number of people
  • Possibility of dedicating an additional day at the yeshiva

A donation with direct debit

Monthly with no bearing on your credit line
$ 14 person
  • Choose a date ahead of time
  • Choose the number of people
  • Including the dedication of a day at the yeshiva in your merit
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